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Get in touch with your
FDA Dental Products Panel Consumer Representative

As the consumer representative to the dental products panel of the FDA, my charge is to serve as a liaison between interested consumers, associations, coalitions, and consumer organizations and to establish a link between the diverse constituencies served by the FDA, and represent their issues before the dental products panel. 


If you would like to share an opinion regarding dental products please click the link to the left.  Due to the large amount of spam and bots, you will be required to answer a "fill in the blank question" to a certain level of detail before your request will be accepted.

I'm fairly well connected to various facets of the dental industry. When I was originally vetted for this position, I was asked if I could separate my affiliation to organized dentistry from that of the consumers I was asked to represent. Since I stay well-connected to the dental research community and stakeholders within public health and clinical practice, my only limitation is hearing from consumers. 


But I thought perhaps consumers might want to know what I think about one thing... Fluoride


 You can't argue with the fact that fluoride is the most studied anti-caries agent we know of. That doesn't mean something better doesn't exist, but it does mean that we've spent [IMO too many] decades entrenching ourselves in the dogma of fluoride at the expense of searching for better treatments. Do we need fluoride, no, but do I want some fluoride incorporated into my teeth, yes.  More importantly, I definitely want strontium in my teeth - but no one talks about that, and that's more interesting than fluoride.



from your representative, Dr. Brian Novy

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